Finally received the autopsy report. The medical examiner's office said that it was due to the record being undigitized. The only thing that stands out is that she had heart disease that gives the possibility of syncopal episode (fainting). The medical examiner theorizes that if this did happen this could have caused her to hit her head.
I worked with Bess Keel for four year's in Wilson, North Carolina at contract analytical testing laboratory. She was always nice, the consummate professional, but quiet. She was outdoorsy and liked to ride horses. Two years after I left the company, a former coworker told me she died. The cause: slipping on steps after the holidays carrying a turkey and hitting her head on January 1st, 2006. Over the years, I did internet searches to find any news of her death. I did manage to find her obituary using her real first name, "Elizabeth." But you will have to remember that at 2005, many people did not have Facebook pages or LinkedIn profiles. None of us had smartphones. Unless you knew Bess' family you knew no news after her death that you didn't read in a paper newspaper or was local gossip. I didn't meet any of Bess family. I did meet her husband Lynn Keel. He came to company parties and luncheons. At the time, he ...
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